
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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随着传统的发展, spring cleaning probably doesn't bring the thrills that come from watching a college basketball tournament, 在沙滩上休息一下,或者观察窗外第一只知更鸟.

But no matter how you approach it, cleaning might affect your health in ways you haven't considered. 我们向专家询问了一些问题.


NEAT sounds like a spring cleaning goal, but it's something that could help your heart.

它代表非运动活动产热, 一个听起来很沉重的术语,指的是低强度的体力活动, 博士说. 杰奎琳·Kulinski先生先生, 威斯康辛医学院的副教授, 她负责预防心脏病学项目.

Kulinski先生, 谁研究过久坐带来的健康风险, 他说,NEAT可以包括家务劳动. 这很重要.

Federal physical activity guidelines advise adults to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 每周75分钟的剧烈有氧运动, 或者两者的等价组合. 很少有人能达到这样的水平.

但她说,缺乏运动实际上有两个组成部分. “第一种是缺乏足够的锻炼,第二种是久坐."

许多人的大部分工作沙巴足球体育平台都坐着. 对于久坐多长沙巴足球体育平台算长,并没有官方标准 2016年评审 of research published in The Lancet suggested it takes 60 to 75 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day to offset the effect of eight hours sitting.

联邦指导方针规定,对于不运动的人, 增加一点轻强度的运动是迈向健康的第一步.

这就是NEAT的用武之地. 库林斯基研究了使用的影响 站立式办公桌 and found that simply standing instead of sitting for just 90 minutes a day improved several health indicators in people who are overweight but otherwise healthy.

把它应用到春季大扫除中, s他说 that standing up to fold laundry would be better for your health than sitting on the couch.


The exact amount of energy you burn while cleaning would vary based on factors such as age, 性别和身体构成, Kulinski先生先生说. 而且,洗碗不会像散步一样带来同样的好处.

但是来自 美国运动医学学院 leads to these estimates for how many calories a 170-pound adult would burn in 15 minutes:



– Light-duty sweeping; dusting or polishing furniture: 47

– Making the bed; moderate-effort vacuuming; cooking; washing the dishes: 67



– Painting a fence; polishing floors with an electric polishing machine: 91

– Laying sod; cleaning gutters: 101




Now that you're energized to tackle your home's dust and dirt, let's look at what they're made of.

Dr. 加布里埃尔Filippelli, executive director of the Environmental Resilience Institute at Indiana University, 是地球化学家. His lab has been collecting donations of vacuum cleaner dust and has analyzed about 800 of them from North America so far.

Some of what Filippelli and his colleagues found in their ongoing work is no surprise. 如果家里有一只宠物,“那里会有大量的毛发和皮屑.Filippelli说 he can tell if a home recently had a birthday party for a young child, “因为总是, 它们会有很多微小的塑料微粒."

灰尘还含有霉菌等刺激物, 花粉和尘螨, 他说, 哪些会给过敏患者带来问题. 一项更早的研究, 发表于2002年的《沙巴体育平台点击进入》, 鉴定的皮肤细胞, 土壤, 淀粉, 头发, 棉花等植物材料 最常见的成分是灰尘.

Filippelli对灰尘的兴趣源于对土壤中铅的研究, 所以他的实验室专注于汞和其他重金属的研究, 比如镉和砷, 哪些是已知的心血管健康风险.

Lead can accumulate in 土壤 around a home because of industrial pollution or from the era when it was added to gasoline and paint. 砷和镉是空气污染的组成部分, 它本身就与心血管健康问题有关.

Filippelli说,灰尘通常还含有被称为PFAS的化学物质, which are commonly used in consumer products but have been linked to health issues such as high blood pressure in women as well as increased risk of obesity and high cholesterol.


Don't use a feather duster or anything similar that stirs up dust, Filippelli said.

He recommends using a slightly dampened cloth to clean horizontal surfaces and sees no need for fancy cleaning products. 他说:“只要一块布,或者是很弱的醋溶液。.

对于地毯,他建议使用带高效微粒空气过滤器的吸尘器. A 案例研究 by his lab backed earlier findings that suggested vacuuming once a month lowered lead levels in homes compared with less-frequent vacuuming.

对于硬地板,他更喜欢使用静电布的扫地机. "I try not to use a broom, if I can avoid it, because that just stirs dust quite a bit. 你可以得到大的东西,但它不能处理灰尘."

To clear the air, air purifiers can be "really effective," said Filippelli, who has advised the U.S. 巴基斯坦大使馆的空气污染问题. 对于便携式设备,寻找可以移动足够空气的型号,以适应你的房间. 适用于拥有集中系统的家庭, 他建议选择更重的, 褶皱过滤器优于开织玻璃纤维过滤器.

口罩呢?? "It's always a good idea to just put on a basic mask while dusting so you minimize how much of the dust you inhale,库林斯基说. 即使你没有过敏史, 你搅动的一些东西可能会刺激你的肺部.


Filippelli estimated that about half of the dust inside your home is coming from outside. 所以,第一道防线就是限制你带进去的东西.

想想你在外面踩到的东西:鞋子可以携带各种各样的脏东西, 包括杀虫剂和大肠杆菌等细菌. 杆菌.

Filippelli has become well-known for telling people to take their shoes off before coming in. “这句话会刻在我的墓碑上,”他笑着说. “经过30年的基础研究和在所有这些期刊上的发表, 我会因为对你大喊大叫让你把鞋子放在门口而出名."

他看到人们在这个问题上对双方都持热情的立场, 他说, 但是科学使他自己变成了一个脱鞋的人.

这个概念也适用于宠物. 他指出,在一些国家, 宠物出门后用毛巾擦爪子是很常见的.


库林斯基建议,在使用清洁剂时, 考虑那些可以用海绵涂抹而不是在空气中喷洒的.

Cleaning sprays can linger in the air and affect airways when inhaled, studies have shown.

“这就像当你去海滩时,有人在使用喷雾防晒霜, 你观察喷雾的流向,Filippelli说. “一小部分在身体上,大部分都在空中. 喷洒喷雾清洁剂也是一样."

他还说,清洁时要避免使用抗生素肥皂, 因为过量使用会产生耐药细菌. 外科医生要做手术,需要抗菌肥皂, 他说, 但对我们其他人来说, 普通肥皂效果很好.

The Environmental Protection Agency maintains a list of products considered safer for human health and the environment as part of its 安全的选择 程序.


打扫卫生不应该让你情绪低落. To the contrary:相反 2014年的研究 in the journal Mindfulness concluded that college students who approached even a few minutes of dishwashing "with intentionality and awareness" boosted positive feelings and lowered negative ones.

So, would we all be healthier if we took a cue from Snow White and just whistled while we worked? "I don't know off the top of my head if there's any published data on that,库林斯基说.

但她确实做过关于唱歌对健康益处的研究, 哪一种算是轻强度活动. "So, I guess extrapolating data from singing, I would say it probably is beneficial."

不过,库林斯基在做自己的家务时采取了一种更积极的方式. “我打开音乐,有点像跳舞,”她说. “随着音乐移动一点会更愉快."


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